Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Is compromise still a terrible sin?

Once, compromise was a very bad sin.
In our church, back when cars were made of iron and records were bade of Bakelite and undies were baggy, I was a teenager and compromise was a terrible evil.

Any girl who wore a short skirt, lipstick or had a 'perm' was compromising with worldly standards. Any boy who wore black jeans, had a square cut or worse, a Beatles Hair Cut was also a compromised individual.

Godliness was all about not dancing, not going to the movies, not holding hands, not saying bad words, not hanging around in the burger joint or fish shop, not smoking, not kicking a football on Sunday and not wearing a suit to church. My mother preferred me not to walk past the pub on the way to Sunday School lest I be seen to be coming out of it drunk – even though it was closed and I was only 11!

Standards have changed.
Although it's still not OK for 11 year olds to be drunk on Sundays, times and standards have changed. Some would say they've changed for the worse and that's why the church has lost its power and place.

I'd rather suggest that thinking people have learned what's important and what's not important.


Yes, their original names were 'Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah. All four names reflecting their heritage and religion. (Read a quick commentary here http://bit.ly/1RHtP1x ):  The chief official gave them new names: to Daniel, the name Belteshazzar; to Hananiah, Shadrach; to Mishael, Meshach; and to Azariah, Abednego.' They were forbidden to use their own birth names, all of which had their roots in their Hebrew religion and so they became known by the names of Babylonian gods. That was a big call.

Preview here before you buy. And then please leave a comment. The more comments the more popular you make the message and the music.

Daniel and his mates
In the first three chapters of the book of Daniel we see three young fellows who had mastered the art of compromise. They refused to have anything to do with idol worship, and in so doing, denied themselves food that had been offered to idols, refused to stop praying to God and refused to bow down to King Neduchadnezzar's image, yet had no problem with being re-named.

Choose your battles
They couldn't do anything about their names. They were dumped on them by the boss. My guess is that they would not have been comfortable being reminded day after day and hour after hour that their name meant the opposite of what they believed. It seems they didn't utter a squeak of protest. However when asked to do something against their consciences over which they had full control, they baulked and baulked big – even to the point of being thrown to the lions or put in a furnace heated seven times hotter than normal.

I don't think we have become very skilled in picking our points of compromise.

Now anyone can get the original fun and songs in digital MP3 format in a few clicks to play on an iPhone or iPod or any MP3 player – devices we'd never dreamed of when we made the original. No postage. No delay. Just a few clicks and an online payment and they're yours to play. Yes, to answer the big question, that adorable pest Koala Ted is still there on the verandah interrupting and singing Suzy Had a Baby non-stop and the songs are as magical as they always were. They're as fresh as ever. I previewed them again and found myself singing along and laughing as if I were hearing the songs for the first time.Anyway, to infinity and beyond.Live long and prosper.


Monday, September 14, 2015

Contentment and the LAUNCH of Billabong Songs

It's a BIG day.
My 'Billabong Songs' album goes digital today!!
As Koala Ted would say, 
'Yay!!! Let's get down and Boogie!'
More below:

God our Father has mysterious ways.

Not that he is capricious or weird. His ways are His ways, not ours.
I suppose you knew that, didn't you?

Or are you one of those nitwits – excuse me, troubled souls and confused spirits – who constantly asks, 'Why?'
Why is God doing this to me?
Why did God let this happen?
How can a loving God justify himself when all this bad goes on? (Stephen Fry type question)
I wonder what God is trying to tell me through this?
If everything happens for a reason (which is doesn't usually) what is the reason behind this event/accident/illness        /tragedy?
Why won't God speak to me?
How come God doesn't answer my prayers?

We all need to chill a bit and get some contentment going

Right on the button there's a song about it on Billabong Songs
When you look in the lilies in the field;
When you look at the grass: how green it grows;
When you see a small anemone,
a frond, a fern, a leaf,
you have to stop and tell yourself
and say, Yes, I believe ...
Chorus -
It's true that all the animals and the birds in all the trees
don't worry 'bout the things they have to do.
Taking life as it comes along
with a waggy tail or a little song.
If they can be content then why can't you?

I need to trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding and in all my ways acknowledge him and he will direct my paths (in His own mysterious way!)

http://bit.ly/1iI2f8VANYWAY. I AM PRETTY EXCITED!
I've been meaning to make my old favourite Billabong Songs available as a download for years, and finally I've got around to it. I get calls all the time from Mums who loved these songs when they were littlies thenselves who now want them for their own kids – and from grandparents whose kids wore out the original cassette 20 years ago who now want to give the songs to their grandies. 

Now anyone can get the original fun and songs in digital MP3 format in a few clicks to play on an iPhone or iPod or any MP3 player – devices we'd never dreamed of when we made the original. No postage. No delay. Just a few clicks and an online payment and they're yours to play. Yes, to answer the big question, that adorable pest Koala Ted is still there on the verandah interrupting and singing Suzy Had a Baby non-stop and the songs are as magical as they always were. They're as fresh as ever. I previewed them again and found myself singing along and laughing as if I were hearing the songs for the first time.

Preview here before you buy. And then please leave a comment. The more comments the more popular you make the message and the music.

Anyway, to infinity and beyond.

Live long and prosper.

Monday, August 31, 2015

How just are you? How merciful? As in how energetic are you about that?

Tricky question.

Following up on the question I
asked last month

I asked, How converted are
you? One of the marks of being converted is to be stridently NOT on the Devil's
side any more or ever again.

Jesus' best friend, John says
(1 John 3:8 ) 'The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the Devil's
work.' Micah the old prophet from about 2700 years ago was fond of asking and
answering, 'What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.'

I find it hard enough to walk
humbly with God which is quiet and private thing, let alone do the hard and
public things. I suppose you do too. But 'too hard' has never been an
acceptable excuse has it?

The Devil's work seems to be
mostly about fostering injustice, destruction of love, and to negate mercy (not
to mention the invention of Facebook). So if we are not on the Devil's side and
support the work of Jesus, it leaves us one daily question: How energetic about
justice and mercy have I been so far today?

These are nasty days

It's a strategic time to ask
how energetic are you abouty justie and mercy

Anyway, to infinity and

Live long and prosper.



Monday, July 6, 2015

How converted are you?

A little boy fell out of bed night after night and woke the household with his frightened crying.
Exasperated his Dad finally scolded, 'Why did you fall out of bed again?'
The little boy, sniffled, 'I stayed too close to where i got in.'.

Conversions happen
Growing up I saw hundreds and hundreds of the then Baby Boomers get 'converted'. They went forward at Billy Graham Crusades, Baptist Youth Rallies, Youth For Christ Meetings, Easter camps, summer camps, May holiday camps, church services and what not.

Many were baptised. Many joined a church. Some became pastors, priests, leaders, missionaries, translators, medical workers, charity workers. Most became office workers, bank clerks, tax agents, plumbers, metal workers, teachers, singles, and nice mums and dads.

Like me, you might be one of them.

Conversions don't go very far
They stopped breaking the law. They stopped living immorally. They stopped dabbling in the occult. They stopped getting drunk. They didn't take drugs. Heck! Some of them even stopped going to dances! (Some even stopped saying Heck.)

The aim seems to have been to get us to become nice – middle class – polite, pleasant and perspicacious. That's a kind of conversion I suppose but is it the real deal? To stop being 'bad' is one thing but to be outrageously 'good' is quite different.

There's a level of conversion to which most 'converts' have never risen. It's in the realm of character and it reveals itself in attitudes, mind-sets, casual conversations, the shows we watch on TV, the comments we make on Facebook, the prides and prejudices we express about refugees, homosexuals, women, men, gun ownership, drug addicts, Muslims
, prostitutes, poor people, homeless people, the music we choose, the things we meditate on in the newspaper and the evening news, the junk we buy and the cars we drive and the homes we live in.

These are nasty days
It's a strategic time to ask how far in you've got

Anyway, to infinity and beyond.
Live long and prosper.

Love –


Monday, April 27, 2015

Do you believe nonsense?

The Bible says ... (not!) 
People do talk a lot of rubbish. Here are some quasi religious-sounding examples.
'God helps those who help themselves.'
'Cleanliness is next to Godliness.'
'To thine own self be true.'
'Neither a lender nor a borrower be.'
'Money is the root of all evil.'

These are attributed to the Bible but they are a collection from Shakespeare and your mother.

Fey spiritual religious people (even highly paid Christian pastors) are heard to say;
'The Lord told me ... '
'I heard God say ... '
'I wonder what God is trying to say to me.'

Makes me wonder too.

And then there is the ignoramus factor
'This bad thing has happened to you because your grandfather was a Free Mason.'
'You are cursed because your mother went to a seance when she was carrying you.'
'You need deliverance from your father's demons.'

Ignoramus factor?
Yep. Ignorance of the wisdom of Jeremiah and Ezekiel who tell us that the sayings, common in the day such as
'the sins of the fathers are visited on the children', and
'the fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge', were and are rubbish.

Each of them tells us that the sinner who sins will be held responsible for his or her own sins and that is that. If he turns from his sinful ways he will be forgiven and that will be that. If he doesn't he won't and that will be that. If the person's child sins, the parent will not be held responsible for it by God and if the child repents, the child will be forgiven and that will also be that.

Ain't that a relief?

You can read it for yourself here: 

Anyway, to infinity and beyond.

Live long and prosper.

Love –


Monday, April 13, 2015

For some people each day presents another panoply of misery. Yes a panoply—a delicious array of insults, dismay, heart break, set backs, pain, punishment, disappointments and despair.

They have my sympathy
In just the last week I've heard of a dad being screamed at in a public car park by an adult daughter for an accidental slight he'd made against someone she knew. It was humiliating. Another had been cruelly dealt with for suggesting she'd babysat her friend's dog for long enough. That was unfair. Yet another had been slandered by a work colleague for incidents the slanderer had only imagined. That was heart breaking. A salesperson was cursed at by a desperate shopper for the company's not having stock on hand to match its advertising. That was embarrassing.

They're all in good company
I have been wading my way through the miserable swamp that is the book of Jeremiah. I've read it before. It hasn't struck me this hard before. It's horrible. For more than fifty years the poor bloke spoke his mind – the mind of God – and poured himself into it. Poured is hardly a good enough description. I mean he waterfalled, cascaded and sea spouted himself into it. Relentlessly.

God forbade him to marry so he was always alone. Colleagues lied about him and denounced his message and  worse, his motives. Kings had him arrested and jailed. The most respectable people in town kidnapped him and dropped him in a cistern up to his neck in slime. He was laughed at, ignored and punished in every conceivable way – just for telling kings and citizens alike to act in mercy, fairness and in honour of God.

And whenever life got a little bit better for him for a day or two, it went down the drain again – only faster and deeper.

Wayne Jackson at The Christian Courier writes that the book of Jeremiah It is 'one of the most thrilling.' I didn't see it quite that way this time around. I just feel so sorry for the guy. Deeply deeply saddened. And although I'd like to think, my lot is nowhere as terrible as his so I should be happy about that I can only think how life is so hard, tough and gnarled sometimes. And that brings me down.

One thing comes through though. Jeremiah didn't give up. I reckon I would have. I am sad to say I need praise, effectiveness, the sense I have done something world-changing with my life, with my time and talent, not to mention a pathetic need for thanks, honours and perhaps a small statue. Jeremiah got none. 

Jackson points out the big learning points from the book. I'm glad he did because on this reading, all I got was a bad case of depression and a good kick up the nether regions about how life isn't about me.
   God Empowers the Servant,
   Remember Your Vows
   God Hates the Superficial
   True Repentance
   The High Price of Sin
   God Will Be Victorious
   Jesus Is the Only Hope
   Expect Persecution
   Judgment Day Will Come
Anyhoodle. I hope this hasn't sent you into useless depression, and gives you a chance to say, Life looks terrible for a lot of people but God has a bigger view. I don't get it, but I'll go with it, come what may.

Anyway, to infinity and beyond.

Live long and prosper



Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Just for a change, here's something The Lovely Christine wrote for the South Australian Baptist News. She writes for women so I changed a few bits to be more inclusive.


Hit this email address and I'll get around to sending you the PDF of my quote cards on the tongue in a few days.  

(Don't want to over promise.)

You can import them to your iPhone, iPad or any other thingy and click through them while you're waiting to go into a meeting, go home, meet the boss, visit a difficult customer, where you might trip over your own tongue by not keeping it still.

They have my sympathy
In just the last week I've heard of a dad being screamed at in a public car park by an adult daughter for an accidental slight he'd made against someone she knew. It was humiliating. Another had been cruelly dealt with for suggesting she'd babysat her friend's dog for long enough. That was unfair. Yet another had been slandered by a work colleague for incidents the slanderer had only imagined. That was heart breaking. A salesperson was cursed at by a desperate shopper for the company's not having stock on hand to match its advertising. That was embarrassing.
They're all in good company
I have been wading my way through the miserable swamp that is the book of Jeremiah. I've read it before. It hasn't struck me this hard before. It's horrible. For more than fifty years the poor bloke spoke his mind – the mind of God – and poured himself into it. Poured is hardly a good enough description. I mean he waterfalled, cascaded and sea spouted himself into it. Relentlessly.

God forbade him to marry so he was always alone. Colleagues lied about him and denounced his message and  worse, his motives. Kings had him arrested and jailed. The most respectable people in town kidnapped him and dropped him in a cistern up to his neck in slime. He was laughed at, ignored and punished in every conceivable way – just for telling kings and citizens alike to act in mercy, fairness and in honour of God.

And whenever life got a little bit better for him for a day or two, it went down the drain again – only faster and deeper.

Wayne Jackson at The Christian Courier writes that the book of Jeremiah It is 'one of the most thrilling.' I didn't see it quite that way this time around. I just feel so sorry for the guy. Deeply deeply saddened. And although I'd like to think, my lot is nowhere as terrible as his so I should be happy about that I can only think how life is so hard, tough and gnarled sometimes. And that brings me down.

One thing comes through though. Jeremiah didn't give up. I reckon I would have. I am sad to say I need praise, effectiveness, the sense I have done something world-changing with my life, with my time and talent, not to mention a pathetic need for thanks, honours and perhaps a small statue. Jeremiah got none.

Jackson points out the big learning points from the book. I'm glad he did because on this reading, all I got was a bad case of depression and a good kick up the nether regions about how life isn't about me.

  • God Empowers the Servant,
  • Remember Your Vows
  • God Hates the Superficial
  • True Repentance
  • The High Price of Sin
  • God Will Be Victorious
  • Jesus Is the Only Hope
  • Expect Persecution
  • Judgment Day Will Come
Anyhoodle. I hope this hasn't sent you into useless depression, and gives you a chance to say, Life looks terrible for a lot of people but God has a bigger view. I don't get it, but I'll go with it, come what may.

Anyway, to infinity and beyond.

Live long and prosper

