Monday, May 2, 2011

Everyone's been talking about "the wedding"

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Everyone's been talking about "the wedding".  I think most people only focussed on the dress and the veil and whether Harry has a chance with Pippa. Here's what I thought was worth writing about:

Firstly I have to say, any similarity between the Jesus, the Man of Galilee and the pomp of the Church of England seems to have escaped the chaps in charge. Nevertheless, it's quite a thing that they've got a costume and a hat and a ribbon and a gown and a set patter for everything. Quite amazing. Terribly British and most impressive. What about the voices and perfect diction of the officiating ministers? I could listen to them all day. 

Secondly, the service made a profound and simple statement to the watching world, "This is marriage. It's how things are set out for human society. It's between a man and a woman,  it's God's plan and it's forever." The orthodoxy and the power of its being so for hundreds of years was the star of the show for me.

Wasn't James Middleton's rendition of Romans 12 the most stunning thing you've heard in a long time? He was never going to appear before millions of people again and he made the most of it. He presented himself and the Holy Scriptures with perfect dignity.

And lastly, the prayer William and Catherine composed for the Bishop of London to read for them is worth printing out and sticky taping to the back of the bathroom door.

God our Father, we thank you for our families; for th elove that we share and for the joy of our marriage.

In the busyness of each day keep our eyes fixed on what is real and important  in life and help us to be generous with our time and love and energy.

Strengthened by our union, help us to serve and comfort those who suffer. We ask this in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, Amen
No, no, two more things. 
I loved how Catherine knew the words of the hymns and sang without looking at the program. I really did.

And I've never seen the likes of him saluting his colours, the cenotaphs and the regiments as they drove past them and her averting her eyes in respect as he did so – and with what natural ease she did it!
Granny used to say: "Goodness must be taught," and this was a wonderful lesson on what is right and good.
Anyway, live long and prosper.

To infinity and beyond.
