Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Is compromise still a terrible sin?

Once, compromise was a very bad sin.
In our church, back when cars were made of iron and records were bade of Bakelite and undies were baggy, I was a teenager and compromise was a terrible evil.

Any girl who wore a short skirt, lipstick or had a 'perm' was compromising with worldly standards. Any boy who wore black jeans, had a square cut or worse, a Beatles Hair Cut was also a compromised individual.

Godliness was all about not dancing, not going to the movies, not holding hands, not saying bad words, not hanging around in the burger joint or fish shop, not smoking, not kicking a football on Sunday and not wearing a suit to church. My mother preferred me not to walk past the pub on the way to Sunday School lest I be seen to be coming out of it drunk – even though it was closed and I was only 11!

Standards have changed.
Although it's still not OK for 11 year olds to be drunk on Sundays, times and standards have changed. Some would say they've changed for the worse and that's why the church has lost its power and place.

I'd rather suggest that thinking people have learned what's important and what's not important.


Yes, their original names were 'Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah. All four names reflecting their heritage and religion. (Read a quick commentary here http://bit.ly/1RHtP1x ):  The chief official gave them new names: to Daniel, the name Belteshazzar; to Hananiah, Shadrach; to Mishael, Meshach; and to Azariah, Abednego.' They were forbidden to use their own birth names, all of which had their roots in their Hebrew religion and so they became known by the names of Babylonian gods. That was a big call.

Preview here before you buy. And then please leave a comment. The more comments the more popular you make the message and the music.

Daniel and his mates
In the first three chapters of the book of Daniel we see three young fellows who had mastered the art of compromise. They refused to have anything to do with idol worship, and in so doing, denied themselves food that had been offered to idols, refused to stop praying to God and refused to bow down to King Neduchadnezzar's image, yet had no problem with being re-named.

Choose your battles
They couldn't do anything about their names. They were dumped on them by the boss. My guess is that they would not have been comfortable being reminded day after day and hour after hour that their name meant the opposite of what they believed. It seems they didn't utter a squeak of protest. However when asked to do something against their consciences over which they had full control, they baulked and baulked big – even to the point of being thrown to the lions or put in a furnace heated seven times hotter than normal.

I don't think we have become very skilled in picking our points of compromise.

Now anyone can get the original fun and songs in digital MP3 format in a few clicks to play on an iPhone or iPod or any MP3 player – devices we'd never dreamed of when we made the original. No postage. No delay. Just a few clicks and an online payment and they're yours to play. Yes, to answer the big question, that adorable pest Koala Ted is still there on the verandah interrupting and singing Suzy Had a Baby non-stop and the songs are as magical as they always were. They're as fresh as ever. I previewed them again and found myself singing along and laughing as if I were hearing the songs for the first time.Anyway, to infinity and beyond.Live long and prosper.
