Monday, October 8, 2012

Big Hearing-from-God incidents.

Big Hearing-from-God incidents.
There is some confusion for people about whether God actually directs our paths, whether God speaks at all today or whether it's all up to us to use our God-given brains.
In most of the decisions I've made to take this or that path I didn't ever hear a 'Word from God' as it were, such as 'God told me to become a member of  Franchise Association.' So I am today mostly a result of stumbling along from ditch to disaster with only the occasional meadow of flowers, and that wasn't how I thought it was supposed to be. So if you feel as though you have been ditched, I write this to say, it does work out in the wash.

I have had many astounding interventions but this one takes the cake.

The strongest leading or direction or intervention I've ever had was when we moved to Port Pirie in 1976 to work with Pastor Bill Wheatland. He and I met for prayer on the first morning and I asked God for a teaching job and Bill Asked for me to get a TV job. I was aghast that he could be so dumb because I had been firmly rejected 2 months before in an interview that lasted 2 minutes after I had driven for 3 hours in 110ยบ heat in an un-airconditioned Ford Cortina
After prayers I went out job hunting and before morning tea scored a job at the Catholic High School. 'We were wondering how to fill that position for a Year 8 teacher,' said Father Pulis. 

I was pretty chuffed. 

Meanwhile the Manager of the TV Station (the one who had told me I was totally unsuitable for television) had fallen off his boat the Saturday before I arrived and had broken his arm and the Managing Director had driven in from Sydney to take over. On that Monday morning, his PA found my letter from 3 months before wedged between two files in the engineering filing cabinet and said, 'Jim. you might like to read this.'

It was within minutes of the time Bill was praying that I would get a job on the telly.

The rest is history. By 2:00 PM I had a job at the TV station presenting a children's show for 15 minutes a day. After a week he turned it into a 2 hour show and after two months made me Sales Manager for the network. After 2 years Channel 7 offered me a job in the Children's Production Unit in Adelaide. I've hardly been out of a TV or video production since. It was the single key that opened my life into selling, speaking all over Australia, New Zealand, 28 states of the USA, and 15 or more other countries. It paved the way for writing books, making training packages and best of all – meeting YOU.

Nevertheless I struggled for years and years over the fact that it was not a straight shady path with chocolate-crepe stands along the way and that if God had so clearly changed my direction how come it wasn't 'nice' all day and every day. There were personality clashes, role-confusions, financial struggles and deep misgivings about whether I was in the right place – even a life-long struggle with the slobbering three-headed black dog of depression.

That often made me wonder if I'd made it up as well as messed it up, too many times to count.

Looking back I can only say, God has been directing my path like a chess piece knight being moved at right angles, one square here, two squares there, two sideways, one back, waiting for the bishops, pawns and castles to move into my path or to be positioned for the taking. That one incident though was too God-like to be disputed. 

In the middle of it I felt lost more often than not, but 36 years later I can see it all as clear as day. 

God does direct our paths— pulls us out of ditches, saves us in disasters and when we realise it, often sits us in flowery meadows.

So trust in the Lord with all your heart and he will direct your path.

To infinity and beyond.

Live long and prosper.

Colin Pearce
