Monday, April 28, 2014

South Australian locals who work in sales should attend this seminar:

It's next Tuesday 6th May, so get in on the Early Bird price before April 30 and save $100.

Here's what i will teach you.

Show up! You will ‘get’ a formula for success in sales so you win all the business you can: 3CA=CR. 

Grow up! Understand what you are up against in this snappy online sales environment and win back your share of sales.

Shut up! 4 selling styles and how to sell without so much talk, talk, talk.

Listen up! 8 questions to find out what your prospect really wants.

Speak up! When it is your turn to speak, use language dripping with all 7 benefits for your prospect – yet without being smarmy.

Sell up! Get your attitude and language right about add-on sales and selling more.

 Ask me about the date and the fee and the place. and I will send you the brochure

I gave up opinions for Lent.
I think I will keep it up

It's been quite a discipline, although a lot easier than giving up chocolate or coffee.
I don't imbibe in the demon drink so that wasn't hard to give up.
I don't do a lot of dairy or meat so it wouldn't have been hard to give those up.

I like coffee and chocolate and they have less affect on me than opinions so I have been glad to be done with them.

Having opinions upsets my stomach a lot more than coffee and chocolate.

My opinions wind me up, get me agitated, surly, make me sullen, grumpy, jumpy, argumentative and moody.

Giving opinions leaves a nastier taste in my mouth than coffee and chocolate. 
When I give my opinion I have to live with the fact that I usually didn't know what I was talking about and have got a fact or a story half right and mostly wrong all at the same time. It's easier to recover from not having mouthed off about anything I wasn't sure was a fact, a joke or a self-confessed fiction.

Your opinions affect me even worse. 
The other day someone decided to graffiti the fences of my feeble mind with their opinions about Israel, Jews, George(s) Bush, Sri Lanka, the US economy, Tony Abbott, asylum seekers, Collingwood, public spending, bike lanes, air fares, spies, retirement age, religion, private school education and three conspiracy theories about Flight 370,  all in the space of about 30 minutes. The individual got away scot free. I remained bruised, battered and left with a mental clean up that lasted 72 hours.

Try it
I repeat form last time: Finally, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.(Philippians 4:8)

Anyway, to infinity and beyond.

Live long and prosper



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